1.Unsurprisingly, most internet providers strongly prefer their customers not to call, or offer advice only via a premium-rate line.
2.One piece of malware disguised as an Android calendar app sent SMS messages to a premium-rate number without users' knowledge.
3.Your premium rate is determined by your make and model of car and its year, a clean or not so clean driving record, age and demographics .
4.whenever the modified surplus is above the level, pidends are paid continuously with a constant rate (less than the premium rate).
5.When the electricity prices rise -- or when winds die -- energy can be withdrawn from the wheels and sold to the grid at a premium rate.
6.Premium rate is an key factor which affects the choice of coverage otherwise habit persistence is not obvious.
7.Determining the insurance premium rate of breakwater construction is a problem in both underwriting and engineering.
8.For insurer to lower compensation of the building fire losses, fire insurance premium rate fluctuates according to fire safety of buildings.
9.Working hours will comply with national regulations, including overtime. All overtime worked will be voluntary and paid at a premium rate.
10.If the app needs to make premium-rate SMS or phone calls, you might want to think twice before downloading and installing it.